Family Fun

Stuck Inside? Get the Family Together for Some Fun and Excitement

Author: Best Brains Apr 07, 2020

family playing together in bedroom

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When you’re cooped up at home, it’s easy for our energy to get pent up. Even routine activities like playing outside or regular arts and crafts can become more like work than fun. That’s when you need to shake things up! Here are six safety-first ideas for you and your family that take planning, creativity, and participation from everyone in the household.

From the smallest child up to teenagers can somehow contribute to each of these activities. Take the time to share a new skill, a new responsibility, or a secret from the rest of the household! In these extraordinary times, it’s tempting to carry on with life as normal. But this can lead to confusion and friction in the household. Find opportunities to acknowledge and even celebrate the unusual!

So, which of these ideas are you going to try first? How is your family managing the stress of staying home? Let us know below!

