5 Reasons Python Is Perfect for Kids to Learn

Author: Best Brains Jun 21, 2022

Boy using coding skills at the computer.

Kids love to learn. They have a natural curiosity to learn more about themselves and the world around them. Now that today's world is driven by technological marvels, many children are picking up a new skill in the form of Python - the world's most popular programming language. This helps the younger generation better understand the Digital Age they're living in. Their enthusiasm in our own Python classes further proves that kids aren't only interested in learning it — they're extremely capable of doing so.

You may know Python as one of the programming languages that form the foundation of many technologies we use today. It's commonly used in the following:
- web and software development;
- artificial intelligence (AI), or computer programs that can accomplish tasks on their own; and
- data science, which aims to generate useful knowledge from tons of information.

Naturally then, adults who familiarize themselves with Python gain multiple advantages, particularly when it comes to career development. However, it’s important to recognize that children can benefit from learning Python, too.

Let's look at some reasons why:

1. It's easy to learn

One great thing about Python is that it uses a straightforward syntax or language structure that's similar to English, making it easy for kids to learn. Consider the simplicity of these sample lines in Python:

if True:
print "Answer"
print "True"
print "Answer"
print "False"

What's more, it's easy to start learning. Python is free to install on practically any computer and can be learned anywhere. In fact, you can start with our brand new coding program right here at Best Brains. This kid-friendly course covers writing and debugging code as well as creating interactive programs. And if your child gets stuck, Python's thriving online programming communities can answer all of their burning questions.

2. It makes math fun

Kid-oriented Python courses are usually taught through a series of games so your child is more likely to be entertained while learning. Among other things, they'll learn hard skills crucial to math. For example, children learn problem-solving as they write code to fix real-world problems. They'll also hone their logical thinking capabilities as they search for the most rational solutions. And even more importantly, math makes Python run — and your child will learn that. You may even find your child performing better in math class as they transfer their Python skills to their schoolwork.

3. It teaches important soft skills

In addition to teaching technical capabilities, the effort it takes to learn Python will instill handy “soft skills” and values that your child will find useful as they grow older. They learn to be more creative as they try to code new things, perseverance as they take the time it needs to perfect their code, and confidence every time they finish a task successfully. They'll also earn a sense of accomplishment for every job well done, encouraging them to develop both a strong work ethic and unwavering self-discipline.

4. It will open up future opportunities

In today's digital age, professionals who work with emerging technologies are in high demand. This is what makes coding such an important skill. With Python being high on the list of employers' priorities, your kid will have the option to become a software developer, creating computer programs, systems, and applications that run on an array of devices. They could also become a data scientist working to glean valuable information for both public and private organizations. They might even go the creative route by becoming a game developer. Ultimately, helping your child learn Python will help them pursue any of a number of stable, and in some cases lucrative, paths as an adult.

5. Kids will pick it up quickly

Most important perhaps is the fact that now is the best time to teach your child Python. You may have noticed that children have a tremendous capacity to learn languages, especially at an early age. This same phenomenon applies to teaching them coding languages -- like Python -- while they're young. At this stage in life, their brains are like sponges, as the cliché goes. In part, that's because their brains are better able to absorb new information at this stage in life.

In the end, there's no better time to teach kids Python than now, and no better place to start learning than here at Best Brains with our brand-new coding programs. You'll be doing more than just equipping your child for future success - you'll also be introducing them to a new interest that they may grow to love over time.


Article written by Riva Jamie

Exclusively submitted to bestbrains.com

